Amazing Long Lasting Wealth Generating Opportunity
Please watch the free presentation below to learn how you can break free from the system and achieve financial freedom with ease....
To join CLICK HERE & Enter password: freedomtoday
Follow the instructions outlined in the video presentation above
My Invitors Code: 26099
Established in 2001 by FreeThinking Lawyers, Financial Advisors & Economists & Growing Strong Ever Since!
No Products or Services to Sell
Private Invitation Only Membership
Jurisdiction: Private Land of The Living
Passive Income Stream Potential
Please read the PDF below (click the image) that provides invaluable context about our current Economic system, and why a system like this was created as an alternative krystic way of helping one another under the law of one in order to break free financially. This is where I found out about the activity and otherwise took inspiration from Mary to issue a surety bond for my car which resulted in proving that securities have now replaced substance as collateral for debt. Something you can otherwise learn about on my Sovereignty in Law page and presentation...
Most of us know that the whole financial system is rigged to allow the minority to profit from the majority under the guise of free market capitalism within a fabricated model of engineered scarcity Economics.
If you are not familiar with our current monetary and Economic system, then: CLICK HERE to head over to the Resources tab and scroll down to Economics section to get up to speed &/or read the PDF above. This is essential, as only when you know the daylight robbery of the system we are in, you will come to appreciate the genius that this Wealth Receiving Activity holds.
In a nutshell, what this current model breeds is more debt, suppressed wages and increased inflation that erodes away your wealth and diminishes the value of your sweat equity that acts as a stealthy parasite quietly siphoning away your energy from your brow and into the pockets and coffers of the ruling elite who have direct control over the money supply, legal system and now have every government in their back pocket under a state of bankruptcy, meaning, they control pretty much everything.
Money on it's own is not inherently evil, and it is very convenient in terms of removing the problem we have with the double coincidence of wants, allowing a smooth and convenient medium of exchange to take place for all kinds of varied goods and services.
What is evil, is how the current money system is being used with interest rates, control over the money supply, lobbying, indebtedness, enforcement and control over the masses. It has been the master tool in which most have been enslaved by, and many are unaware of its clandestine operations and agendas of those behind it. After all, debt encumbered households do not go on strike!
What this system offers, is a way to completely bypass the many vampiric structures and remove yourself completely from under their control within a framework that pits people to people (peer to peer/decentralized) and cuts right to the chase of what many people need....CASH MONEY! Without the need to push products & services onto people that they don't really need in their lives.
Whats more, due to this being a strictly private activity between the peoples (for the people, by the people, of the people) it is completely Tax Free! Members of my Sovereignty Masterclass know how to preserve their sweat equity when it comes to Tax anyway within the legal framework through rebutting presentments in the name of the STRAWMAN and having all their papers in order (doing business in the private), but will come to appreciate another very simple method of achieving the same result, albeit, a lot quicker and easier whilst making decent returns.
The way this is done is quite simple: every pledge made from an individual in order to join this activity autographs/signs a Gifting Statement and Non-Solicitation Form so it is considered a charitable transaction by law, which it is. Each and every one of us who joins the activity and becomes a member makes a once in a lifetime 'donation' to our invitor (the person that introduced you to the program) that allows us access to the program and software used to regulate the amazing 1-up system that will set up passive income streams for you as your soon to be future invitees jump onboard and become eager to qualify by giving up their first member to you (1-up=give 1 up to your invitor).
After which, you break away and receive 100% of any future donations gifted to you. The great thing is, you get to decide how you would like to receive the money i.e. cash? bitcoin? Bank transfer? and you are in complete control of inviting people in without having to answer to anyone but yourself. You will have access to the website that houses the software used to keep track of the new members and your receiving lines, and you simply pay a $180.00 annual fee for the hosting and admin of the website which is safeguarded by its founders.
It really is that simple. The only job, if you want to call it that, is to educate people on the brilliance of this system and provide support for them when needed until they are fully competent with how it all works. Simply get people to listen to the presentation call (at the bottom of this page) and the right people who see the potential in this will get back to you where you can lead them to the website and give them your invitor code once they are ready to join. You can also create your own presentation if you wish. The rest is up to the individual to make the most of this amazing opportunity by getting the word out there and invite more people onboard to become financially free.
This is where those people who have a strong desire to be financially free, are self starters, self reliant and willing to put in the effort will thrive. It will be very easy to advertise either with friends or family, existing clients, on platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Craigslist etc., flyers, your own website etc. the means in which to get the message out there are plenty. The back end of the website has all the training & tools you will need to achieve long lasting success with this activity.
So, if you, like me, see the genius in this system and would love to learn how you can get involved, simply head over to the website and join using my invitors code and get in touch if you have any questions...
To join CLICK HERE & Enter password: freedomtoday
Follow the instructions outlined in the video presentation above
My Invitors Code: 26099
Any questions then please email me at:
[email protected]
I look forward to connecting with you. Thank you for your time & I hope you have a great day!
Here's to your financial freedom!!
In the meantime, please feel free to go through the additional material below...
I can Offer 50% off my Sovereignty Masterclass Course For Those Who Pledge The Full Amount as a Bonus to learn how you can set-off/discharge any finance and also establish yourself as a bona fide sovereign, learning all the tricks & traps of the legal world and how best to safeguard your God Given Rights, Wealth & Health
To Recap....
Listen to the presentation call below...

Hear from others who are having success from this amazing opportunity...

The activity sells itself. If you decide to join, you will have access to dial in numbers where people can listen to presentation calls and get back to you if interested, as well as prerecorded video presentations, like the ones shown above, that you can use on your own website. You can get creative and advertise using dropcards, business cards, hold seminars and the like. There really is no limit, and you will only get back what you put in effort wise! That's the beauty of the program. That's why it is recommended to invest time going through the training materials on the back end of the website so you are confident with the ingredients required to become a success with this activity.
The website houses plenty of training and resources for your to tap into and I will also provide plenty of materials you can use to get started. The bare minimum, and how this program was created initially, was simply through directing people who were interested in your ads to call in and listen to the presentation over the phone. So simple! Literally a 2 minute conversation to then get someone over to listen to a call or head to a website to listen/watch a presentation. Those who 'get it!' will get back to you and you simply send them to the website and go from there, negotiating how you would like to receive the pledge when they want to get started, which you can choose either via cash in tracked post, online bank transfer or even cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.
You can purchase hot leads from the website or your can run your own ads to, which I have templates of, that will capture some of the millions each day searching 'How to make money online from home/ and/or 'How to make passive income streams from home online' etc. you can create your own website nowadays for very cheap and simply upload content such as this page to educate folks of the activity, or you can do it all over the phone without your own website and just lead them to the main website when they get excited and want to join. It is so easy and the sky really is the limit with how you can capture interest and share this activity with others, that it will be completely dependent on the effort you put in to go through the training and use the resources on offer to you to the fullest potential. If you have the right attitude and innerstand the law of attraction and abundance, and are willing to put in the effort, this program can be life changing for you!
To join CLICK HERE & Enter password: freedomtoday
Follow the instructions outlined in the video presentation above
My Invitors Code: 26099
Any questions then please email me at:
[email protected]
I look forward to connecting with you. Thank you for your time & I hope you have a great day!
Here's to your financial freedom!!