Achieve Long Lasting Health & Unlock Your Genetic Potential
Learn How in As Little as 5 Days!!
Watch the free presentation below to learn more about this incredible life changing program...
Full Self-Study Online Course
Instant Access
10+ Hours of Value Content Over 40+ Video Presentations
Benefits of the Program:
*Achieve & Maintain your ideal weight*
*Lose weight without deprivation or struggle*
*Free yourself from food cravings forever*
*Enjoy sustained high energy & endurance*
*Attain the body you desire*
*Bolster your immune system naturally*
*Conquer indigestion, fatigue, & allergies*
*Overcome depression, anxiety, & mood swings*
*Prevent & reverse chronic illness*
*Stay young at any age*
*Achieve high energy & peak athletic performance*
*Identify & remedy fungus & parasite infections*
*Learn more about how your body works*
*Build a better relationship with your body*
*Identify your metabolic type*
*Identify diet & lifestyle challenges*
Within 5 days you will learn how to start implementing positive changes surrounding your diet & lifestyle.
You can expect to see results within the first two weeks, ongoing for the next 6 months as you get back to baseline health.
*You may experience a detoxification process as your body purges all that does not belong in your body as a result of previously poor diet & lifestyle choices as you start eating and living in accordance with your genetic potential*

"Take Back Control of Your Health So You
Don't Have To Rely on Industries Who
Profit From You being Sick!"

"Demystify All The False Narratives Contrived by Industries Surrounding Health, Exercise & Nutrition..."
Course Curriculum
1) Introduction
2) Dr Happiness
3) Dr Diet
4) Dr Quiet
5) Dr Movement
6) Parasite & Fungus Infections
Make a start today & take back control of your health & vitality.
Please email if you have any questions regarding the course: [email protected]
Health Resources
Andreas Kalcker's Website: CLICK HERE
When it comes to our health, there is nothing more important then getting educated and abolishing all of the big industry state sponsored toxic garbage misinformation that has been spread about how to live and eat well. There are multi billion dollar industries who thrive off of the goal and reality of keeping people sick, so they help fuel the profits of the allopathic medicinal industry- a huge moral hazard. Its a flawed statistic that we live in an age of the most longevity and sustained increased population throughout modern history to assume that is linked with advancements in medicine and good health. To the contrary, we have never had so many diseases and chronic illnesses per capita throughout history, where modern medicine has only achieved the great feat of keeping those with the disease upright and functioning whilst never truly curing the patient; the allopathic model. Just like the Economic sciences have been co-opted and controlled very early on as proven with Richard A. Werner's work exposing many of the false thoeries the whole industry was otherwise operating on, we have the same, albeit, unfortunate scenario established within the health sciences.
Maintaining good baseline health is really quite simple to achieve when innerstanding the key factors of how our minds and biology work, and that of the planet too, especially when it comes to 'farming'. I have personally found the works of Paul Chek (where I, myself, have been educated through his institute) to be considered the one-stop shop to get a vast array of very good and helpful information when learning how to build a better relationship with your body and the planet, whilst tuning into your bodies unique needs based on your metabolic type so you can unlock your genetic potential and be equipped to look after the most sacred, divine and expensive (priceless) vehicle you will ever drive and own: your body!
The video presentation below is a great introduction to these key concepts, as well as two great books, that will have you more qualified and educated than any institutionalized nutritionist, titled: Metabolic Typing by William L. Wolcott and Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price. These three resource alone will blow the lid off the reason why humanity has become so sick! But also reveal the nature of the remedy and the science behind maintaining good health and preventing the onset of disease.

"The quality of our food defines the quality of our lives"
For Price Pottenger Foundation Website: CLICK HERE
Another huge factor to consider when regulating health is the 'invisible' world of frequencies. Whether it is low frequency electromagentic fields emitted from cables, power lines, power boxes, fridges, ceiling fans, iPads, Laptops, or any electronic device, to high frequency wireless emissions from the likes of radio, radar, gps-satellite, wireless routers, telephone masts, baby monitors and mobile phones, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that being exposed to all of this increase in electrification and EMF does have detrimental effects on our health.
The documentary below titled: Resonance-Beings of Frequency, along with the books titled: Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg and EMF'd by Dr. Joseph Mercola are great resources for getting educated on this salient topic.