Sovereignty in Spirituality
Join me on my journey of awakening as I reflect upon the most profound and challenging experiences of my life as I seeked answers to lifes most profound questions after experiencing a crown chakra activation when studying quantum physics and the powers of our subconscious mind which revealed to me the very nature of our reality and the occult forces and structures that govern them. I cover everything from economics, exopolitics, to spirituality, holistic health, eschatology, prophecy, science, stargates, world structures, occult forces, technologies, cosmogony's, races, agendas, hidden history, astrology, theology, biology and more...
Learn about the Occult, New Age, Spirituality, Religion, Deleted History, Cosmogeny & more....
515 pages over 18 chapters
Chapter 1: My Origins, Astrotheology, Ophiuchus, 9/11, Stargates, Kathara Grid, The Bottomless Pit Revelations 9:11, My Teen Years
Chapter 2: Economics, Banking Law, Banks as Credit Creators, Esoteric Analysis of Banks and Money, Anu-Elohim, The Moon, Graduation Ceremony
Chapter 3: Crown Chakra Activation, The Great Sign in Heaven & Jehovian Trumpets, Symbolism, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Nephilim Luciferian Aleister Crowley Jr. & Azazel
Chapter 4: Badbury Rings, Firmament, DNA, Our Holographic Template & Ascension, Ceremonial Magic & the Occult
Chapter 5: Bali Black Cube Moon & Anunnaki Experience, The 27 Club, The Black Cube & Saturn, The Kabbalah, The Book of Revelation, Wormwood, Nibiru & The Beast, Israel, The Zodiac, Astrobiology & Ophiuchus, Allah
Chapter 6: Genesis & History of our Time Matrix, The Christos Founders Races & Intruder Races, Metatron, Abaddon, Procyon, Apollyon, Andromeda/M31 & Black Hole Systems.
Chapter 7: Scorpio, Tribulation, Judgement day, Initiation, The Poison Apple, Adam & Eve, Venus, Lucifer, Bioregenesis/Hybridization Programs, The Femme Fatale, Jupiter, Je-Zeus & The 666 Gate Network, Tara & The Garden of Eden, Lulcas-Neanderthal Anunnaki Origins and Illuminati Leviathan Races, Agartha & The Drakons, Fibonacci & Krystic Spirals.
Chapter 8: Knowlton Church, Wimborne Cemetery, My LSD Experiences, Cannon Hill Woods Initiation, Saturn’s Cracked Ring, Albany, Perfect Gods, Antares, Spirit Animals & 11:11.
Chapter 9: Easter 2019 Rituals, Notre Dame Cathedral Fire, Beelzebub, The Three Christ’s Story & The Crucifixion, Heliocentric vs Geocentric, Tropical & Sidereal Astrology.
Chapter 10: Bournemouth 2019, Black Mirror A.I. Technology, Pluto, Angels & Archangels, Merkabah, Encountering a Seraphim, New Forest November Trip, Christmas 2019 Kundalini Experience, Chakras, The Djed & Jedi.
Chapter 11: The Strawman Deception, Trusts, Reincarnation & Consciousness Traps
Chapter 12: 2020 Bat Out of Hell, 5G, Transhumanism, Corona, Lockdowns, Demons, OBE’s, The Underworld, Shaman Galactivation Soul-braid/Walk-in Experience, Starseeds, Indigos & Phims, Karma
Chapter 13: 2021, Quantum Grammar Language Fraud, Tower of Babel, Words & Spells, Encountering Grey Aliens, The Super Soldier and Secret Space Program, Intruder Technologies, The Men In Black, My First Encounter with a Mantid/Aethian.
Chapter 14: Encountering Satan/Marduk/Enki & The Great Red Dragon, Freemasons, Bermuda Triangle, The Sinking of Atlantis, The Frequency Fence & Quarantine Earth, The Ego, Higher Self, Subconscious Mind & Intuition.
Chapter 15: MRI Scan, Holistic Health, Frequency Attacks, Barium, Dream Experiences & Reclaiming Multidimensional Aspects of Self, The Dreaming Mind, The Astral Body & Shadow Body Anatomy, Manifestation Transduction Sequence & The NET.
Chapter 16: Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Experience, Unpacking Christmas, Jesus Christ, The 12 Days of Christmas, The Freedom Teachings, 2022, Scarab Beetle Nephilim Infiltration, My 33rd Birthday, Horus & Hathor, Blue Sirian Being E’Ah Visitation, The Zoitcast.
Chapter 17: My Twin Flame Union, Denver HQ for the Illuminati, The USA, The Four Corners, Atlantean Pylon Implant Network Maps (APIN), Jesus Christ Syncs, Thunderbolt from the Gods, Glastonbury, Milk Hill—Sargate-11, Crop Circles, FAtaLE SUccUby White Dragons, Cloaked Ships, 9/11 Rapture Event, Jesus Christ UCC-1 Filing, The Great Pyramid of Giza Arc of the Covenant Stargate Dream.
Chapter 18: 2023, Sekhmet, Jesus Syncs, The 777 Shift, The Deity Planes, D-Span 777 Gates & AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedral Networks, Dragon Races, Demons & Mirrors, Bali & The 777 Fold, Typhon, Using the Blood of Jesus Christ, The Fail-Safe Path of Mercy & Zero Tolerance, Wesadek Green Dragons & Cassius The Croc, Jesus ALHumBrha Shield Host, Jehovian Trumpet Outpicture Schedule
Please email if you have any questions regarding my book: [email protected]
Useful Resources...
Fair warning: These teachings, and what I cover in my book, are not for the faint hearted. Be patient and allow time for processing and integration. You will more than likely experience weird events, activations, initiations and synchronicity's as you become aware of this knowledge. This is all part of the ascension journey, remembering who you are, where you come from and what larger drama you are a part of. The sovereignty Masterclass in health & law of learning how to govern/look after our papers, contracts and bodies are also an integral part of claiming back your rightful place, not only on this planet, but also in this cosmos. All the best, and may the Gods, Godesses, Guardians and Eternal First Field Intelligence of God Source Cosmayah, Cosmic and Yhuniversal embodiments be with you on your journey of awakening! Much love, Light & Truth.
A good place to start is the Light & Shadow. IIluminati Agenda, Spiritual Solutions video above by Ashayana Deane. And then the Esoteric History of Earth & The Human Race, just to wet the appetite. You can then move onto the Earth's Stargates, Maps, Cue Sites, Crop Circles and Stairway to Heaven. This is very esoteric and highly advance gnosis designed only really to be received by those Indigos and human Angelic souls who have incarnated here at this time to assist in this templar mission as they are carrying the potential for 12 strands of DNA activation and the codes needed to help run the gates and do the necessary grid work. However, anyone who is able to sit through these teachings will only benefit their evolutionary ascension/inscension leading to many activations/revelations/healing and self discovery of their true eternal nature and divine soul purpose/unique incarnational lines of soul, oversoul, avatar, rishi and ascended master collectives whom they can call their own divine immediate krystar family, and from which they came into dimensionalized external creation realms in order to serve/experience life within a 15 dimensional space-time matrix.
For those wanting to dive deeper into our true cosmic origins, ascension mechanics, ET races and agendas, I highly recommend downloading and reading The Voyagers Book Series I & II by Ashayana Deane. After which, I recommend working through the master file of the MCEO Freedom Teachings PDF (Google Drive link below). I also recommend reading my book: Tales of a Self Initiate, as I have broken down and almagated all of these salient topics to help anyone get up to speed quickly whilst reading about my journey and how these teachings have affected/assisted me.
To download Voyagers Book Series I & II and other published works: CLICK HERE
Access some of Ashayana's lectures: CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE
I will also share a link to more material surrounding the reseeded knowledge of ascension, keylontics, bioregenesis, metaphysics and the anatomy of ourselves and the multi-verse below, that was otherwise kept hidden by the Illuminati priesthood here ever since Jesus Christ returned to reseed it in preperation for our stellar activation cycle, which was the first time this knowledge was released publicly, en mass, since the fall of Atlantis circa 13,000 years ago....This is otherwise an excerpt taken from the group of individuals who put the PDF together that you can access the materials from....

For live and the latest updates of the teachings and drama unfolding here on Earth, head over to Ashayana's website where you can purchase her workshops and stay up to date with new releases: CLICK HERE Highly recommended you do so as things are expediting very quickly in this drama.
I also highly recommend Santos Bonacci's Series on Astrotheology with the Prisca Theologia and The Know Thyself Presentations, available on Youtube.
Update: His Youtube channel has been taken down, but his presentations are on other channels: search Santos Bonacci Know thyself, astrotheology, prisca theologia presentations. One video I share above.
I also recommend tuning into James Rink's SupersoldierTalk interviews and presentations (video above) surrounding the 'not so' Secret Space Program. This beautifully ties into independant research by other authors surrounding this topic, including many testimonies as well as what Ashayana/Anna Hayes has experienced and the knowledge she has transmitted back on planet surrounding all of the histoy, races, agendas, technologies and science/structure of creation and our souls/consciousness.
Last but certainly no means least, I recommend Pierre Sabak's work with his thorough analysis on the etymology and word play across many different ancient languages that reveals a common story of 'Alien' intervention with humanity across all ancient cultures and how these 'Aliens' have instituted our Governments & Royal Bloodlines, influencing every facet of our lives from society, economics, law and pop culture. For his Youtube Channel: PIERRE SABAK: CLICK HERE
Ashayana Deane's material is the most original and comprehensive of any of the 'New Age', 'UFO Movement', and 'Occult teaching' circles that I have come across. That is because she is an incarnate speaker-1 for the Melchezedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) council who was later upgraded to speaker contract involving the Alhumbra Magistracy Councils of Cosminyahas (AMCC); a position of quite staggering importance; one which Jesus Christ took the role of (MCEO) when he incarnated here in 12BC during the Christ period. You will learn the truth of everything including stargates, solar ascension cycles, how our universal holographic time matrix is structured, who created us and for what purpose, the wars, races and agendas, science of our souls, energy, densities and dimensions, how to unlock our higher selves, protect ourselves spiritually, the truth behind Jeshua-12 (aka Jesus Christ), Atlantis, Lemuria, Tower of Babel Incident and much more.
All for your consideration. Much love and good luck on your journey.