:Fair-Use. Resources:

The resources I share are my own personal choices to help anyone get up to speed with Law, Economics, & The Esoteric topics. This page could go on forever with what I would consider great sources, however, to save being drowned in information, whilst lacking any real wisdom, I have kept it succinct i.e. quality over quantity. Most often, it is said, that when the student is ready, the master will appear! In my case, I have certainly gleaned very much from these most wonderful masters in their respective fields. So I hope you do to.  Enjoy!


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Click on the image below to read Richard A. Werner's famous paper, the first empirical study in the 5000 year history of banking, that revealed how banks create credit from nothing by virtue of purchasing the promissory note (loan agreement) you sign where they reclassify accounts payable liabilty as a fictituous customer deposit when crediting your account. Meaning, the funds are newly invented and do not come from anywhere within the bank or outside the bank. Otherwise proving banks as 'creators of credit' which accounts for 97% increase in the money supply whenever a new loan is issued. Exposing the blatant subterfuge spun in acadamia with false economic theories to hide this most powerful tool/fact that banks are creators of credit, in order to infiltrate professional/public opinion, influence monetary policy (through the setting of interest rates which is a fallacy - see Werner's paper under Economic section of this page below), and misguide the regulators. A game changer that opens pandoras box of the controlled science that is 'Economics' that has been co-opted and used to manipulate and control whole economies, and has been a basis to control many other sciences within important industries i.e., nonemoreso than with the health and energy industries.


Click on the image below to read Richard A. Werner's complimentary paper showing a more in depth analysis of the accounting book entries within the bank when money is newly created from nothing every time a bank issues a so called loan.


Banker Customer relationship at law
Taken from 'Banking Law in Australia 10th Edition by Alan Tyree (LexisNexis)



How do Banks create money? A walkthrough of Richard A. Werner's paper


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Courts (p.s. are the banks)


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MUST READ: Living In The Private by Bill Turner: CLICK HERE


If you do not know your rights, you effectively have none! Universal Declaration of Human Rights: CLICK HERE


COV-19 Vaccines: ethical, legal and practical consideration (European Parliament). Read highlighted text 7.3.1. & 7.3.2. on page 5 to reference non-discriminatory and mandatory practices: CLICK HERE


Vaccine Safety Warranty: CLICK HERE


Know Your Rights & Enforce Them...Pay attention to highlighted text. You can sue any corporation or person for violating your rights at the international level. A simple letter to your employer or government to remind them of this fact will safeguard your freedoms during this Corona period: CLICK HERE


List of Lawful Maxims one can reference (highlighted ones of most importance): CLICK HERE


Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words: CLICK HERE


10 Maxims of Law

  • A workman is worthy of his hire. Exodus 20:15; Lev.19:13; Matt.10:10; Luke 10:7; and II Tim. 2:6. Legal maxim: It is against equity for freemen not to have the free disposal of their own property.
  • All are equal under the Law. Law of God — Moral and Natural Law; Exodus 21:23-25; 24:17-21; Deut. 1:17, 19:21; Matt. 22:36-40; Luke 10:17; and Col.3:25. Legal maxim: No one is above the law. Commerce, by the Law of Nations, ought to be common, and not to be converted into a monopoly and the private gain of a few.
  • In Commerce Truth is Sovereign. Exodus 20:16; Ps. 117:2; John 8:32; and II Cor. 13:8. Legal Maxim: To lie is to go against the mind. Oriental Proverb: Of all that is good, sublimity is supreme.
  • Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit. 5:4-5; Lev. 6:3-5; Lev. 19:11-13; Num. 30:2; Matt. 5:33; and James 5:12.
  • An unrebutted affidavit stands as the Truth in Commerce. 1 Pet. 1:25; Heb. 6:13-15. Legal Maxim: He who does not deny, admits.
  • An unrebutted affidavit becomes the Judgment in Commerce. Heb 6:16-17. Any proceeding in a court, tribunal, or arbitration forum consists of a contest, or “duel” of affidavits wherein the points remaining unrebutted in the end stand as the truth and the matters to which the judgment of the law is applied.
  • A matter must be expressed to be resolved. Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:6; and Eph. 6:19-21. Legal maxim: He who fails to assert his rights has none.
  • He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default. Book of Job; and Matt. 10:22. Legal maxim: He who does not repel a wrong when he can, occasions it.
  • Sacrifice is the measure of credibility. One who is not damaged, put at risk, or willing to swear an oath on his commercial liability for the truth of his statements and legitimacy of his actions has no basis to assert claims or charges and forfeits all credibility and right to claim authority. Acts 7, Life and Death of Stephen. Legal maxim: He who bears the burden ought also to derive the benefit.
  • A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by counter-affidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or payment. 2-3; Matt. 4; and Revelations. Legal maxim: If the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved.


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Read Richard A. Werner's paper by clicking the image below that found interest rates tend to 'follow' economic growth rather than 'lead', and shares a positive correlation as opposed to a negative correlation as is conventionally held as a belief for monetary policy in economics to control inflation. Rather, the interest rate discourse is a pseudo rationale used to entrain/engage public opinion, keep the financial scribblers busy and regulators unchecked whilst the real driver of economic growth and inflation is done via the creation of credit whenever a loan is issued at a bank that is directed via 'credit/window guidance' by the central banks who designate the quota of loans that must be met. Moreover, they also control which arenas to lend to/inject this new money into which has huge and varying ramifications when this tool is used to direct lending toward either asset purchases, consumer spending, financial speculation and/or productive means (business creation). The latter of which is conducive to sustainable growth, whereas the former(s) only drives inflation, perpetuates business cycles and boom/bust cycles, unemployment, inequality etc., as you are giving increasing purchasing power over existing assets which of course will have inflationary effects.

He also emphasises that in conventional 'academic' textbooks economics is based on 'equilibrium' where prices are key in dictating equilibrium between supply and demand in any one market. To the contrary, in order for equilibrium to be present, economists assume that 8 axioms/assumptions must be maintained at all times for this theory to be effective, the likelihood of these holding in reality is less than 1% when assigning an optimistic probability of 55% to each axiom, meaning the probability of partial equilibrium in any one market approaches zero. Economics has been using mathematical rhetoric to enhance the impression of operating scientifically. Equilibrium is a theoretical construct unlikely to be observed in practice. This demonstrates that reality is instead characterised by rationed markets. These are not determined by prices, but quantities: In disequilibrium, the short side principle applies: whichever quantity of supply and demand is smaller can be transacted, and the short side has the power to pick and choose with whom to trade (not rarely abusing this market power by extracting rents).

The End of the Petrodollar - TheTrue Story: CLICK HERE

Assassination as Ultimate Intervention Policy of the Deep State: CLICK HERE

The End Game Has Begun: The Gold Price Surge is an Important Signal: CLICK HERE

Drowning in Debt in The 21st Century Report: CLICK HERE


UK National Debt Clock: CLICK HERE


US National Debt Clock: CLICK HERE

Two good books I recommend reading that will reveal how economics has been weaponised in order to establish a NWO which is used to indebt nations as part of the 'Washington Consensus' false & backward economic paradigms, where many 'developing nations' have been seduced by developmental loans issued by mostly American institutions from an account of zero balance which is designed later to default through market manipulation of currencies and interest rates etc., so they can come in and demand their pound of flesh in the form of rights to resources, becoming part of NATO and control their votes, building military bases on their soils etc., if that fails, and the heads of state they are looing to subjugate do not take the bait of these loans - which is the economic hitman method, then the jackals within the CIA's Secret Team are sent in to run coup d'etat, assissination attempts, all manner of covert tactics, and if all else fails, a red herring event is curated in order to go to war so they can restructure the government there and insert their pliable foreign agent that will answer to the Cabal's every call. Of course, The Secret Team book only scratches the surface in regards to the technologies, tactics, and very real ET/Spiritual agents higher up that are a part of this infrastructure of implementing control as well, especially as this was written in the 1980's where technology has come on leaps and bounds since then, but it serves as a great introduction as to the mindset, tactics and scope of this most sinister, clandestine operation being utilized here on Earth to fulfill particular agendas, which is mainly order out of chaos, and perpetual control of the development of human ingenuity within this emergent system so knowledge and energy can continue to be extracted/mined for the use of these hidden rulers.




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Andreas Kalcker's Website: CLICK HERE


When it comes to our health, there is nothing more important then getting educated and abolishing all of the big industry state sponsored toxic garbage misinformation that has been spread about how to live and eat well. There are multi billion dollar industries who thrive off of the goal and reality of keeping people sick, so they help fuel the profits of the allopathic medicinal industry- a huge moral hazard. Its a flawed statistic that we live in an age of the most longevity and sustained increased population throughout modern history to assume that is linked with advancements in medicine and good health. To the contrary, we have never had so many diseases and chronic illnesses per capita throughout history, where modern medicine has only achieved the great feat of keeping those with the disease upright and functioning whilst never truly curing the patient; the allopathic model. Just like the Economic sciences have been co-opted and controlled very early on as proven with Richard A. Werner's work exposing many of the false thoeries the whole industry was otherwise operating on, we have the same, albeit, unfortunate scenario established within the health sciences.

Maintaining good baseline health is really quite simple to achieve when innerstanding the key factors of how our minds and biology work, and that of the planet too, especially when it comes to 'farming'. I have personally found the works of Paul Chek (where I, myself, have been educated through his institute) to be considered the one-stop shop to get a vast array of very good and helpful information when learning how to build a better relationship with your body and the planet, whilst tuning into your bodies unique needs based on your metabolic type so you can unlock your genetic potential and be equipped to look after the most sacred, divine and expensive (priceless) vehicle you will ever drive and own: your body!

The video presentation below is a great introduction to these key concepts, as well as two great books, that will have you more qualified and educated than any institutionalized nutritionist, titled: Metabolic Typing by William L. Wolcott and Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price. These three resource alone will blow the lid off the reason why humanity has become so sick! But also reveal the nature of the remedy and the science behind maintaining good health and preventing the onset of disease.

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"The quality of our food defines the quality of our lives"
For Price Pottenger Foundation Website: CLICK HERE


Another huge factor to consider when regulating health is the 'invisible' world of frequencies. Whether it is low frequency electromagentic fields emitted from cables, power lines, power boxes, fridges, ceiling fans, iPads, Laptops, or any electronic device, to high frequency wireless emissions from the likes of radio, radar, gps-satellite, wireless routers, telephone masts, baby monitors and mobile phones, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that being exposed to all of this increase in electrification and EMF does have detrimental effects on our health.

The documentary below titled: Resonance-Beings of Frequency, along with the books titled: Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg and EMF'd by Dr. Joseph Mercola are great resources for getting educated on this salient topic.

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Fair warning: These teachings are not for the faint hearted. Be patient and allow time for processing and integration. You will more than likely experience weird events, activations, initiations and synchronicity's as you become aware of this knowledge. This is all part of the ascension journey, remembering who you are, where you come from and what larger drama you are a part of. The sovereignty Masterclass in health & law of learning how to govern/look after our papers, contracts and bodies are also an integral part of claiming back your rightful place, not only on this planet, but also in this cosmos. All the best, and may the Gods, Godesses, Guardians and Eternal First Field Intelligence of God Source Cosmayah, Cosmic and Yhuniversal embodiments be with you on your journey of awakening! Much love, Light & Truth.


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A good place to start is the Light & Shadow. IIluminati Agenda. Spiritual Solutions video above by Ashayana Deane. And then the Esoteric History of Earth & The Human Race, just to wet the appetite. You can then move onto the Earth's Stargates, Maps, Cue Sites, Crop Circles and Stairway to Heaven. This is very esoteric and highly advance gnosis designed only really to be received by Indigos and human Angelic souls at this time carrying the potential for 12 strands of DNA activation. However, anyone who is able to sit through these teachings will only benefit your evolutionary ascension/inscension leading to many activations/revelations/healing and self discovery of your true eternal nature and divine soul purpose/unique incarnational lines of soul, oversoul, avatar, rishi and ascended master collectives whom you can call your own divine immediate krystar family, and from which you came into dimensionalized external creation realms in order to serve/experience life within a 15 dimensional space-time matrix.


For those wanting to dive deeper into our true cosmic origins, ascension mechanics, ET races and agendas, I highly recommend downloading and reading The Voyagers Book Series I & II by Ashayana Deane. After which, I recommend working through the master file of the MCEO Freedom Teachings PDF (Google Drive link below).

To download Voyagers Book Series I & II and other published works: CLICK HERE


Access some of Ashayana's  lectures: CLICK HERE  and CLICK HERE


 I will also share a link to more material surrounding the reseeded knowledge of ascension, keylontics, bioregenesis, metaphysics and the anatomy of ourselves and the multi-verse below, that was otherwise kept hidden by the Illuminati priesthood here ever since Jesus Christ returned to reseed it in preperation for our stellar activation cycle, which was the first time this knowledge was released publicly, en mass, since the fall of Atlantis circa 24,000 years ago....This is otherwise an excerpt taken from the group of individuals who put the PDF together that you can access the materials from....

These precious teachings which maintain a uniquely high degree of purity, integrity, depth & clarity typify the 'Eternal Life' knowledge and principles of Being that is inherent to their origins ...
Articulated sequentially to best facilitate personal and planetary ascension/ inscension, they were (& are) forever intended by the Eieyani to be freely accessible to Angelic Humanity ..
All  of the Freedom Teachings material published since 1997 had been intentionally provided by the Eieyani Priesthood, via the contemporary Appointed GA-MCEO Speakers, in a very particular sequence .. structured to assist EVERYONE, regardless of their current body of knowledge in order to enable a firm grasp of previously unpublished and often challenging new concepts in 'Spiritual Reality', Personal & Planetary Healing & The Mechanics of Creation ...
From the perspective of anyone identifying with these Teachings, the benefits of understanding the content of earlier publications, as well as working with the techniques provided is a VITAL pre-requisite to obtaining the information value contained in later workshops, publications and tools ...
Extensive "hidden triggers" and "keys" inbued within these teachings activate gradual, stable and enduring upshifts in personal frequency - but especially so when embodied in the specified sequence on this list ... benefiting you, your local Grids, the planet and its life fields and the rest of the multiverse symbiotically - the effect is truly Cosmic !
Building upon this foundational sequence, we have labored to provide complete & unadulterated access to the most beneficial materials gifted by the Eieyani & Yanas, with the firm heart-centred resolve for individuals present to become fully AWAKE, AWARE & ABLE... in combined "krystic symbiosis" -- for the betterment of ONE and ALL ....
We trust that this clear systematic presentation of fundamental materials now [finally] made so readily available to you & and in such an optimally integratable sequence [found always pinned to top of our group wall] will serve you well ! GETTING STARTED
Please preview and/or download the KS-AAA MASTER DOCUMENT ** here: https://drive.google.com/.../1O.../view...
... and then take a few moments to familarize yourself with the 'Contents At A Glance' map on page 3 for orientation ..
(NOTE: This extensive pdf document entitled 'THE MCEO "FREEDOM TEACHINGS" - PERSONAL EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES - Returned by the MCEO' is the ESSENTIAL revamped Eieyani-Approved Azurite Press Product List featuring working hyperlinks to workshop video uploads + associated module documents)
For any questions, feel free to ask The Administration Team by posting below ~ we are here to assist you on your Journey!
With omnilove & gratitude,

For live and the latest updates of the teachings and drama unfolding here on Earth, head over to Ashayana's website where you can purchase her workshops and stay up to date with new releases: CLICK HERE

I also highly recommend Santos Bonacci's Series on Astrotheology with the Prisca Theologia and The Know Thyself Presentations, available on his Youtube Channel:Mrastrotheology: CLICK HERE
Update: His Youtube channel has been taken down, but his presentations are on other channels: search Santos Bonacci Know thyself, astrotheology, prisca theologia presentations. One video I share above.

I also recommend tuning into James Rink's SupersoldierTalk interviews and presentations (video above) surrounding the 'not so' Secret Space Program. This beautifully ties into independant research by other authors surrounding this topic, including many testimonies as well as what Ashayana/Anna Hayes has experienced and the knowledge she has transmitted back on planet surrounding all of the hisotry, races, agendas, technologies and science/structure of creation and our souls/consciousness.


Last but certainly no means least, I recommend Pierre Sabak's work with his thorough analysis on the etymology and word play across many different ancient languages that reveals a common story of 'Alien' intervention with humanity across all ancient cultures and how these 'Aliens' have instituted our Governments & Royal Bloodlines, influencing every facet of our lives from society, economics, law and pop culture. His Youtube Channel: PIERRE SABAK: CLICK HERE


Ashayana Deane's material is the most original and comprehensive of any of the 'New Age', 'UFO Movement', and 'Occult teaching' circles that I have come across. You will learn the truth of everything including stargates, solar ascension cycles, how our universal holographic time matrix is structured, who created us and for what purpose, the wars, races and agendas, science of our souls, energy, densities and dimensions, how to unlock our higher selves, protect ourselves spiritually, the truth behind Jeshua-12 (aka Jesus Christ), Atlantis, Lemuria, Tower of Babel Incident and much more.

All for your consideration. Much love and good luck on your journey.